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Walk your talk

And I'll walk next to you for a little while.


Mythology and psychology starting a love affair, breeding self knowledge and wisdom.  Goddess yoga retreat (in Dutch) Crete, April 2025, preceded by 3 live women circles (22 Nov, 9 Febr, 9 March) in collaboration with yoga teacher Erika Teirlinck.


An answer to questions that seem to need the intervention of something bigger or higher. Warning, not for every one, you need to be ready to receive such a message. Upon a higher vibration.


"What a woman, a born storyteller, an expert who dives deep while continuing to speak clear language. Born to discuss taboos and difficult subjects, to make people think and feel, to touch their hearts." Goddes archetypes, grief & loss, feminine leadership, ... For your club, as a training or teambuilding. Talk with me.

1 on 1 mentoring (rare occasions)

You are ready for your next level. No more bullshit. Exploring your gifts, endeepening, embodying. Sitting on your throne. Because you have the guts. ON REQUEST - Coming from intrinsic motivation only.

WARNING. Clicking the button means you're absolutely sure you're ready.
Ready to dive deep, so deep you might hit rock bottom.
Ready for the complete synthesis and integration of all aspects of your being.

Does your heart beat with excitement?

Be my guest.

Does your heart beat with fear?

No hard feelings, come back later.

Ready for change?

(knees shaking is totally fine)

All prices mentioned on this website are VAT excluded.